
Reintroducing Neals ft. YTCracker

Atari Gangster ft. YTCracker

hold down the sun

def con 27 soundtrack / def con

world builder

crime of curiosity / the hacker manifesto

stealth kill


descendants of funk

collision theory / specialeffect gamers' charity

the frequency modulators orchestra, vol. 1 / ubiktune


coder's boot sequence

hear the living dead

synchron assembly


i fight for the users

now it's dark

grid knights

coastal keys


blue bots dots / full album experience

the next peak

introducing neals / video / video



aug 6-9, 2020 / las vegas / def con

aug 9, 2019 / las vegas / def con / featuring ytcracker

aug 11-13, 2017 / phoenix / game on expo

nov 20, 2016 / palm springs / comic con

nov 1, 2016 / los angeles / the airliner

aug 5, 2016 / phoenix / the grid

aug 5, 2016 / phoenix / game on expo



Read Neon Vice in-depth interview

Read Neon Vice interview also featuring YTCracker

Read Neon Vice interview about my Synchron Assembly EP

Hear Synthetix Sundays interview on Radio Pure Gently

Watch Shop Talk interview on Mint Potion TV

side project

Cybard / the hardest hitting bard with a card / dungeon synth / fantasy / folktronica